"An upgrade from the classic version of CandySwipe FREE which has been played over 30 MILLION TIMES!! CandySwipe 2 FREE is a sweet entertaining, addictive game that involves swiping matching pieces of candy to gain points. Swipe as much candy as you can to remove candy pieces for points! Hold your finger down on a candy piece, while holding down, swipe your finger across connecting pieces left, right, up, down, or even diagonally without lifting your finger or touching non-matching candy pieces! The more pieces you connect in that swipe, the more your score multiplies and the more time is added to the clock. Once you complete your swipe, lift your finger to collect your points. You can even retrace over already swiped candy pieces to go back for ones you may have missed along the way! The longer each swipe, the higher the points for that swipe. "
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